Source code for ores.scoring_context

import logging
import multiprocessing
import time
from hashlib import sha1

from revscoring import Model, dependencies
from revscoring.dependencies import dig
from revscoring.extractors import Extractor
from revscoring.features import trim

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ScoringContext(dict): """ Represents a context in which scoring can take place. Usually, a wiki is 1:1 with a "ScoringContext". :Parameters: name : str The name of the context in which scoring will happen. This is usually a wiki's database name. model_map : dict A mapping between names and :class:`revscoring.Model` instances extractor : :class:`revscoring.Extractor` An extractor to use for gathering feature values """
[docs] class ModelLoader:
[docs] def load(self, config, key): return Model.from_config(config, key)
def __init__(self, name, model_map, extractor): super().__init__() = str(name) self.update(model_map) self.extractor = extractor
[docs] def format_model_info(self, model_name, paths=None): model_info = self._get_model_info_for(model_name) return model_info.format(paths, formatting="json")
[docs] def format_id_string(self, model_name, rev_id, request, injection_cache=None): version = self.model_version(model_name) score_id = ":".join( str(v) for v in [, model_name, version, rev_id]) if request.include_features: score_id += ":features" if injection_cache is None: return score_id else: sorted_tuple = tuple(sorted(injection_cache.items())) cache_hash = sha1(bytes(str(sorted_tuple), 'utf8')).hexdigest() return score_id + ":" + cache_hash
def _get_model_info_for(self, model_name): return self[model_name].info
[docs] def model_version(self, model_name): return self[model_name].version
[docs] def model_features(self, model_name): return self[model_name].features
[docs] def process_model_scores(self, model_names, root_cache, include_features=False): """ Generates a score map for a set of models based on a `root_cache`. This method performs no substantial IO, but may incur substantial CPU usage. :Parameters: model_names : `set` ( `str` ) A set of models to score root_cache : `dict` ( `str` --> `mixed` ) A cache of pre-computed root_dependencies for a specific revision. See `extract_root_dependency_caches()` include_features : `bool` If True, include a map of basic features used in scoring along with the model score. If False, just generate the scores. """ model_scores = {} for model_name in model_names: model_scores[model_name] = {} # Mostly CPU model_scores[model_name]['score'] = \ self._process_score(model_name, dependency_cache=root_cache) # Essentially free if include_features: base_feature_map = self._solve_base_feature_map( model_name, dependency_cache=root_cache) model_scores[model_name]['features'] = base_feature_map return model_scores
def _solve_features(self, model_name, dependency_cache=None): """ Solves the vector (`list`) of features for a given model using the `dependency_cache` and returns them. """ features = self[model_name].features return list(self.extractor.solve(features, cache=dependency_cache)) def _solve_base_feature_map(self, model_name, dependency_cache=None): """ Solves the leaf :class:`revscoring.Feature` from the dependency for `model_name` using `dependency_cache`. This will return a mapping between the `str` name of the base features and the solved values. """ features = list(trim(self[model_name].features)) feature_values = self.extractor.solve(features, cache=dependency_cache) return {str(f): v for f, v in zip(features, feature_values)} def _process_score(self, model_name, dependency_cache=None): """ Generates a score for a given model using the `dependency_cache`. """ version = self[model_name].version start = time.time() feature_values = self._solve_features(model_name, dependency_cache) logger.debug("Extracted features for {0}:{1}:{2} in {3} secs" .format(, model_name, version, round(time.time() - start, 3))) start = time.time() score = self[model_name].score(feature_values) logger.debug("Scored features for {0}:{1}:{2} in {3} secs" .format(, model_name, version, round(time.time() - start, 3))) return score def _generate_root_datasources(self, model_names): for model_name in model_names: for dependency in dependencies.dig(self.model_features(model_name)): yield dependency
[docs] def extract_root_dependency_caches( self, model_names, rev_ids, injection_caches=None): """ Extracts a mapping of root :class:`revscoring.Datasource` capable of generating the features needed for a particular set of models without additional IO. This method implements all of the IO heavy operations. The roots dependency caches produced by calling this method can then be passed to `process_model_scores()` for scoring. :Parameters: model_names : `list` ( `str` ) The names of a :class:`revscoring.Model` to extract the roots dependencies for """ # Make a copy of injection_caches _injection_caches = {} for rev_id in rev_ids: injection_cache = injection_caches.get(rev_id, {}) \ if injection_caches is not None else {} _injection_caches[rev_id] = dict(injection_cache.items()) # Find our root datasources root_datasources = \ list(set(self._generate_root_datasources(model_names))) start = time.time() error_root_vals = self.extractor.extract( rev_ids, root_datasources, caches=_injection_caches) # Check each extraction for errors root_caches = {} errors = {} for rev_id, (error, values) in zip(rev_ids, error_root_vals): if error is not None: errors[rev_id] = error if rev_id in root_caches: del root_caches[rev_id] else: root_caches[rev_id] = dict(zip(root_datasources, values)) root_caches[rev_id].update(_injection_caches[rev_id]) logger.debug("Extracted root datasources for {0}:{1}:{2} in {3} secs" .format(, set(model_names), rev_ids, round(time.time() - start, 3))) # Note that root_caches should have been modified in place return root_caches, errors
[docs] @classmethod def map_from_config(cls, config, context_names, section_key="scoring_contexts"): """ Loads a whole set of ScoringContext's from a configuration file while maintaining a cache of model names. This aids in better memory management and allows model aliases to be implemented at the configuration level. :Returns: A map of context_names and ScoringContext's where models are loaded once and reused cross contexts. """ model_key_map = {} context_map = {} model_loader = cls.ModelLoader() for context_name in context_names: section = config[section_key][context_name] model_map = {} for model_name, key in section['scorer_models'].items(): if key in model_key_map: scorer_model = model_key_map[key] else: scorer_model = model_loader.load(config, key) model_key_map[key] = scorer_model model_map[model_name] = scorer_model extractor = Extractor.from_config(config, section['extractor']) context_map[context_name] = cls( context_name, model_map=model_map, extractor=extractor) return context_map
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config, name, section_key="scoring_contexts"): """ Expects: scoring_contexts: enwiki: scorer_models: damaging: enwiki_damaging_2014 good-faith: enwiki_good-faith_2014 extractor: enwiki ptwiki: scorer_models: damaging: ptwiki_damaging_2014 good-faith: ptwiki_good-faith_2014 extractor: ptwiki extractors: enwiki_api: ... ptwiki_api: ... scorer_models: enwiki_damaging_2014: ... enwiki_good-faith_2014: ... """"Loading {0} '{1}' from config." .format(cls.__name__, name)) section = config[section_key][name] model_loader = cls.ModelLoader() model_map = {} for model_name, key in section['scorer_models'].items(): scorer_model = model_loader.load(config, key) model_map[model_name] = scorer_model extractor = Extractor.from_config(config, section['extractor']) return cls(name, model_map=model_map, extractor=extractor)
[docs]class ServerScoringContext(ScoringContext): """ A scoring context that is only capable of scoring. This ScoringContext is intended to be used in clients where a web service (client) implements all of the model_info actions (e.g. :class:`ores.scoring_systems.CeleryQueue`). This ScoringContext saves on unnecessary memory usage, but still provides access to basic scoring functionality. """
[docs] class ModelLoader:
[docs] def load_model_and_queue(self, q, config, key): model = Model.from_config(config, key) = None # We don't need info on the server-side q.put(model)
[docs] def load(self, config, key): logger.warning("Loading model {0} with sub-process".format(key)) q = multiprocessing.Queue() p = multiprocessing.Process( target=self.load_model_and_queue, args=(q, config, key), daemon=True) p.start() model = q.get() p.join() return model
def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):"Loading {0} as a ServerScoringContext".format(name)) super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ClientScoringContext(ScoringContext): """ A simplistic scoring context that is not capable of performing the scoring itself. This ScoringContext is intended to be used in clients where an external service actually implements the scoring pattern (e.g. :class:`ores.scoring_systems.CeleryQueue`). This ScoringContext saves on unnecessary memory usage, but still provides access to basic informational functionality. """
[docs] class ModelLoader:
[docs] def load_model_and_queue(self, q, config, key): model = Model.from_config(config, key) # Just return the model info and the root of the features q.put((, list(dig(model.features))))
[docs] def load(self, config, key): logger.warning("Loading model {0} with sub-process".format(key)) q = multiprocessing.Queue() p = multiprocessing.Process( target=self.load_model_and_queue, args=(q, config, key), daemon=True) p.start() model_info, root_features = q.get() p.join() return model_info, root_features
def __init__(self, name, model_map, *args, **kwargs):"Loading {0} as a ClientScoringContext".format(name)) # Load an empty model map bare_model_map = {model_name: NotImplemented for model_name, _ in model_map.items()} super().__init__(name, bare_model_map, *args, **kwargs) # Create an info map for use when formatting information self.info_map = {model_name: info for model_name, (info, _) in model_map.items()} self.features_map = {model_name: root_features for model_name, (_, root_features) in model_map.items()} def _get_model_info_for(self, model_name): return self.info_map[model_name]
[docs] def model_version(self, model_name): return self.info_map[model_name].get("version")
[docs] def model_features(self, model_name): return self.features_map[model_name]
[docs] def process_score(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError()